5050 Quorum Drive, Suite 700, #338
    Dallas, TX, 75254, USA

  • FFC@functionalfoodscenter.net

Opportunities At ASFFBC

How to expand your opportunities in the field of functional foods

Welcome to this week's newsletter! The Academic Society for Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds was founded in order to expand the recognition of functional foods that could aid in bettering the overall health of people internationally.

The ASFFBC strives to be all encompassing and include:

  • Dietitians
  • Nutritionists
  • Medical doctors
  • Scientists
  • And many other medical industry professionals

Nutraceuticals, bioactive compounds, and functional & medical foods are the fundamental focus of this Society. Research and development in particular will be emphasized.

There are a few key purposes of this Academic Society, including the following:

  • Bringing together field experts who would otherwise be inaccessible to one another and forming collaborative relationships
  • Preferred journals, associations, and institutions will be provided in the form of an index
  • Education on the benefits of nutritional analysis
  • Scientists can become matched with specific industries that are qualified for both production and marketing

Certain criteria must be met in order to become a member. This includes having an advanced degree in a scientific field that is closely related to functional foods. However, current students who are in school for one of these advanced related degrees may also be members. Nutritionists, Registered Dietitians, and Food and Medical Industry Representatives may all also apply. A current CV must be submitted for other interested potential candidates.

There are various levels of membership and thus various levels of pricing. You can click the button bellow to take you directly to the page with information.

Benefits to becoming a Member

There is a large wealth of benefits to becoming a members of The Academic Society for Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds. While benefits vary slightly depending upon which type of membership you have, there are some key shared benefits including:

  • Newsletter subscriptions
  • Invitations to special events
  • Open access to full journals for free
  • Complimentary copies of our most recently published book
  • Discounts on conference registration fees

As you can see, there are many benefits to becoming a member of The Academic Society. To purchase a membership, click the button below.

Past Textbooks

A wide range of topics within the realm of functional foods have been analyzed and explored in our previously published textbooks. Our six textbooks cover key themes such as the science of functional foods and their effects on both cancer and chronic diseases. To learn more about any of our textbooks, click the button below.
More Information

New Textbook 

FFC's scientific panel will be both editing and reviewing our seventh textbook. Our newest addition will be titled Functional Foods and Mental Disorders. Topics included are those such as:

  • The effect of food and minerals on mental health
  • Bioactive compounds in things such as spices and fermented foods
  • How mental health is impacted from the intake of natural foods versus processed foods
  • Nutraceuticals and their role in both preventing and managing mental disorders
  • The role that gluten and casein may play in autism

The set publication date for Functional Foods and Mental Disorders is July 30th, 2019. We could use your help! Another benefit of being a Society Member is the ability to work on upcoming textbooks and get your name published! If you are a Society member and are interested in working on a chapter regarding mental health and functional foods, please reach out to us at ffc@functionalfoodcenter.com

Become a Certified Functional Food Scientist Today

Based off of your previous support and success with past textbooks, we anticipate a great new publication to add to your wealth of knowledge on this ever growing field. If you are looking to further supplement your knowledge on functional foods, we offer a wide variety of online courses. To access the main page for information regarding these courses, one may click the button below.
Courses and Certification

Benefits of becoming Certified

Becoming a Certified Functional Food Scientist has a variety of benefits such as:

  • Helps set you apart in the job market for the rapidly expanding field of functional foods
  • Your name will be added to the FFC website to proudly display your accomplishments
  • Increases your chances of obtaining a university grant
  • You will receive a complimentary 6 month membership to the Academic Society, which in its own has a wide range of benefits!

In order to receive this certificate, one must earn at least 60 credits within the span of 3 years. There is a variety of ways to go about earning these credits displayed within the link shared above. Certifications last for 3 years, and pricing starts at as low as $300 for students and members of ASFFBC (Regular price is $400).

There is a wide variety of courses for credit that run for 8 weeks that you can choose from, including the following:

    • Basic Principles of Functional Food Science
    • Introduction to Functional Food Science
    • Functional Foods for Chronic Disease
    • Bioactive Compounds and Cancer
    • Functional Foods in Integrative Oncology
    • Cancer Biology and Dietary Factors